Calusa Recovery

Adolescent Outpatient Rehab

Introduction To Outpatient Treatment

Not every addiction or mental health condition is the same, and there’s a fine line between over-treatment and over-medication. Just as you don’t throw your arm out to heal a minor cut, not every case of substance use or mental illness necessitates inpatient treatment and long-term inpatient stays.

All the same, many people believe that only the most intense treatment will yield the best results. In reality, rehab should be tailored and appropriate to the extent of your addiction or mental health disorder.

This is where outpatient treatment options come in. The main distinction between an outpatient and inpatient program is that you are not required to move into a rehab center. Outpatient care is much less restrictive and gives you the greatest flexibility and freedom.

For this reason, outpatient treatment tends to be associated with less severe cases of substance abuse or mental illness.

This being said, it is important to note that treatment, like addiction treatment and mental health treatment, is a continuum or gradient in nature. Therefore, outpatient care can serve well as a transitional treatment for those who have completed an inpatient program (IOP), partial care treatment (PHP), or even just want to transition out of an intensive outpatient program.

The goal is to get you on the path to recovery and sobriety as painlessly and symptom-free as possible, and outpatient treatment is an important part of that journey, whether you’re beginning or transitioning into outpatient treatment.

What's The Difference Between IOP & Outpatient?

At a fundamental level, the difference between an IOP (intensive outpatient program) and a routine outpatient program largely comes down to how long you spend in treatment.

In an intensive outpatient program (IOP), you’ll attend more sessions per week for more total hours. Our intensive outpatient program at Calusa Recovery can be 3 days per week or 5 days per week depending on your needs with 3-hour sessions. 9 to 15 hours per week of treatment.

Cumulative hours would be less than this for regular outpatient care.

But that’s just one of the differences.

One important factor to consider when deciding which model is best for you is that, according to the NIDA, low-intensity programs “may not provide more than basic drug education.” On the other hand, intensive outpatient models, like day-long treatment, “can be comparable in terms of services and effectiveness to residential programs depending on the characteristics and needs of the patient,” the NIDA said.

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as far as our outpatient program is concerned, we go much further than just educating people about drug and alcohol use.

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The Benefits Of Our Outpatient Drug Rehab

The goal of Calusa Recovery is to treat you as a whole. This means using evidence-based methods such as talk therapy in both an individual and group setting, as well as holistic therapies like biosound therapy and equine psychotherapy.

There are many advantages of outpatient drug rehab in Florida, but the most important is that you are on the path to long-term sobriety, which is an accomplishment in itself. Here are some of the main benefits of outpatient drug or alcohol programs in Florida.

You Can Live at Home

One of the biggest benefits of outpatient treatment is that you can spend your afternoons in your home and sleep in your bed. It’s hard to put into words how amazing this is. It also creates a sense of personal responsibility and responsibility in that you are being given the confidence to be alone.

Access To Your Support System

But are you truly alone?

If you want to get the most out of your outpatient program, you need to have a support system at home. Addiction and mental health problems don’t only affect the individual experiencing them, they have a ripple effect on those around them. The same goes for having access to family and friends to help you regain control over your life and get back on track with your sobriety goals. Without that love and support, what you’ve learned in rehab can quickly be lost.

Fit Into Your Schedule – Keep Your Job, School And/Or Family Commitments

Let’s get back to responsibility for a second. Because outpatient rehab fits into your daily schedule, it allows you to fulfill your duties and obligations.

To put it another way, life does not end just because you struggle with substance use disorders. You still have to pay your bills, take your kids to school, do your work at home and at the office, and so on. While this may seem like a harsh reality, it also highlights the benefits of an alternative treatment such as outpatient treatment. With outpatient treatment, you can receive the specialized treatment for drug addicts, alcoholics and/or substance abuse disorders that you need while still being able to live your normal life.

Practice What You Learned In Rehab And Apply It To Real Life

One of the most important things you will learn in rehab is how to manage the stressors in your day-to-day life – things that may have caused you to abuse drugs or alcohol in the past.

With outpatient care, since you will only visit the facility for your appointments, you will be able to apply what you have learned immediately. This is powerful evidence and assurance to yourself that you have made progress and are able to face the difficulties of life without using drugs or alcohol.

Transition and Continuing Care

I know we’ve said this before, but it’s something that keeps coming back to us: recovery is a process. It’s a continuum. There’s no one-time treatment.

Outpatient treatment can serve as a bridge and follow-up program for patients who have completed partial care or an inpatient program, as discontinuing care suddenly can have serious consequences, including recidivism.

More Affordable

Last but not least, and most importantly for many people, outpatient treatment will cost less because you don’t have to spend a night in the hospital and you only have to do it for a few sessions. However, you shouldn’t commit to outpatient treatment just because it’s cheaper. Treatment needs to be appropriate for the nature of your addiction or mental health issues. For example, if you have a very serious condition, outpatient rehab may not be right for you. You may even end up paying more in the long run if you try to save as much money as possible because the risk of relapse increases exponentially when treatment is inadequate.

Our Outpatient Alcohol Rehab

The prevalence of alcohol use disorder (AUD) is startling.

According to the national institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism (NIAAA), 14.5 million adults aged 12 and over had an AUD in 2019.

According to the CDC, 16% of adults said they had binge-drunk and 7% said they had heavy-drunk. The CDC also states that excessive alcohol consumption causes more than 95,000 fatalities in the United States every year – an average of 261 fatalities per day.

There you have an idea of the extent of the problem.

Depending on your level of sobriety and alcohol dependency, outpatient alcohol treatment in Florida may be just what you need to break the destructive cycle of alcohol abuse.

With decades of experience working with recovering alcoholics, our team can lead you back from addiction and help you regain control of your life.

Get Approved. Get Help.

Individualized Care
Family Programming
Adventure-Based Therapies

Most Private Health Insurance Will Help Pay for Treatment.

Calusa Recovery does not accept Medicare or Medicaid as payment for substance abuse treatment.

Let us handle the details so you can focus on the help you need.

Continue Your Journey Of Recovery In Florida

You don’t have to deal with your mental health or addiction on your own. Recovery is an ongoing process, and it’s one that works best when you have a support system by your side. With outpatient treatment, you get the added benefit of bringing together our team of professionals and your family and friends.

Contact us today for more information on our treatment center and to find out if outpatient treatment for drug or alcohol addiction is right for you.