Calusa Recovery

Florida Trauma Treatment Program

Trauma Treatment Program

Coping with a traumatic incident is no simple feat. Individuals who have undergone such experiences often find themselves plagued by the aftermath. Sleep disturbances and anxiety symptoms can impede their capacity to maintain healthy relationships and carry out basic tasks.

Individuals who exhibit symptoms of anxiety following a traumatic event are often diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This particular condition can persist for months or even years, significantly impairing one’s quality of life. Thankfully, there are effective ways to seek support, including outpatient treatment programs tailored to address PTSD. Continue reading to explore the options available to you if PTSD is hindering your ability to find joy in life.

Introduction And Overview Of PTSD/Trauma

PTSD is a psychological condition that arises from a distressing incident that you have either personally encountered or observed. It is distinguished by symptoms that usually manifest within a month of the event, although they may also emerge years afterward. PTSD symptoms are commonly recognized by intrusive memories, negative shifts in mood and behavior, physical and emotional changes, as well as avoidance. Here are a few instances of how these symptoms are classified.


Avoidance symptoms include: 
  • Avoiding thinking or talking about the event
  • Avoiding going places or doing things for fear they will remind the victim of the event

Negative Changes in Mood and Behavior

Negative changes in mood and behavior may be characterized by the following:
  • Feelings of hopelessness 
  • Negative thoughts about yourself and the people and things around you 
  • A lack of interest in the things you once enjoyed
  • Feelings of emotional numbness
  • Difficulty feeling positive emotions
  • Memory lapses including not being able to remember aspects of the traumatic event
  • Difficulty maintaining personal and professional relationships
  • Feelings of detachment from others

Intrusive Memories

These are examples of intrusive memories a person with PTSD may experience:
  • Nightmares about the event
  • Severe negative reactions to things that remind you of the event
  • Recurrent distressing memories of the event
  • Flashbacks which involve reliving the event

Negative Physical and Emotional Reactions

PTSD may play out on an emotional and physical level in the following ways:
  • Self-destructive behavior
  • Always being on guard for dangerous situations
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Irritability, anger, and aggressive behavior
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Overwhelming feelings of guilt or shame
  • Being easily startled
Children 6 and under may reenact aspects of the event while playing. They may also have nightmares that do not necessarily include aspects of the event.

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Calusa Recovery Programs


One of the first steps when seeking treatment for substance abuse is the detoxification process. Here you are medically supervised and managed through withdrawal process to rid the body of drugs & alcohol.

Residential inpatient treatment is when a client lives on-site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while receiving intensive inpatient treatment. Learn more about inpatient treatment and how it can help you on your journey.

The partial day program at Calusa Recovery combines the best of aspects inpatient and outpatient treatment to form a hybrid program that allows you to experience inpatient therapies on an outpatient basis.

Find out why the innovative intensive outpatient program at Calusa Recovery is your best choice when seeking an outpatient addiction treatment program in Ft. Myers, Florida. 

Our outpatient program will enable your professional life to become limitless. We offer the tools for you to become the best you can be while being sober! If you’re in Lee County, don’t wait another day to start your recovery.

The family program at Calusa Recovery is an integral part of our programming. Family therapy is an essential part of the recovery process because it allows members of the entire family system to learn how to recover as a unit while supporting their loved-one in recovery.

What Type of Events Cause PTSD?

PTSD can arise from various traumatic events. Veterans frequently suffer from PTSD as a result of their combat experiences. Individuals who have been subjected to violent crimes like rape, battery, assault, and abuse are also susceptible to this condition. Additionally, it can be triggered by natural disasters, car accidents, or other types of accidents.

PTSD Treatments

In FL, there exists a range of therapies available for the treatment of PTSD. These therapies typically center around addressing the traumatic event and acquiring coping strategies that minimize the impact of distressing recollections. Additionally, anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications can be prescribed to alleviate symptoms.

When To Get Help For PTSD/Trauma

It is common for individuals to encounter a certain level of anxiety following a distressing event. However, there are cases where the symptoms can become more intense and persist for a longer duration. Here are a few situations that might indicate the need for seeking assistance.

Long-Lasting Symptoms: It is essential to seek support if you are struggling to cope with life after a traumatic event, enduring anxiety symptoms that endure for months or even years.

If Symptoms Get Worse: If you have gone through a traumatic event, it is common to experience symptoms that gradually improve as time goes by. However, there are cases where these symptoms persist and may even worsen. If you find yourself dealing with worsening symptoms, it is important to seek support from a therapist. 

It Gets in the Way of Normal Functioning: PTSD symptoms can become extremely debilitating, hindering one’s ability to function normally. Those affected may struggle with maintaining focus and concentration, and may even find it challenging to start their day.

It Gets in the Way of Relationships: PTSD can lead to experiencing anger and avoidance, which can hinder social interactions and relationships with others. Over time, this can severely damage both personal and professional connections, especially when they are most needed.

It Leads to Addiction: A significant number of individuals suffering from PTSD hesitate to seek assistance due to their aversion to discussing and reliving their traumatic experiences. Instead of seeking support, they resort to self-medication through substance abuse. While this may provide temporary relief from their troubles, it ultimately exacerbates their condition in the long term.

It’s Causing Suicidal Thoughts: If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide and self-harm due to your PTSD, it is crucial to reach out to a trained professional without delay. In case you find yourself in immediate danger of harming yourself, please call 911.

    Chris T.

    I’ve been in recovery for over a year now and have met a lot of people along the way. Stuart and Wilbur are genuine about wanting to help someone struggling with alcohol or drugs. Me being one of them. I’ve seen a few sober houses along the way and Calusa recovery is by far the best sober living I’ve come across. They show you how to have fun in recovery and live life sober. The houses they have are awesome and clean! Highly recommend them. It changed my life!

      Nancy M.

      Calusa Recovery was recommended to us as being a top sober living home. Meeting Stuart, Wilbur, and the impeccable house confirmed this to be true. Stuart and Wilbur are truly invested in all aspects of their clients’ recovery. We value their collaborative approach with clients and family.

        Monta T.

        Calusa is a place that treats you like a real person with love and respect. They do outings together to have a great community environment. Calusa pushes you to be a responsible young man but does it in a way of caring and helping you find self love. Highly recommend for any young man wanting to take the next step to better himself and his future.

          Steven G.

          I feel so fortunate that I found Calusa Recovery. Calusa played a huge part in helping me maintain my sobriety. I enjoyed the people, the staff, and the living arrangements. Thank you so much for helping me get control of my life back. I could not have made these strides without Calusa Recovery.

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          What To Expect In PRSD Treatment

          If you are experiencing PTSD, numerous facilities specialize in providing the necessary help. Once you arrive, here is an overview of what you can anticipate during your PTSD FL treatment. 

          Detox: Detoxification is only required if you are contending with addiction stemming from your PTSD symptoms. In PTSD treatment facilities, detox is typically conducted under the careful supervision of a medical professional. The dedicated staff will prioritize your comfort, offering medication to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and ensuring that you remain steadfast in your recovery journey, free from any relapses.

          Therapy: After eliminating toxins from your body, a therapy that perfectly matches your requirements will be recommended to you. The therapies commonly prescribed for PTSD encompass prolonged exposure therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, and stress inoculation training.

          Outpatient: Once you finish the inpatient phase of PTSD therapy in Florida, you will transition to an outpatient program. Throughout this phase, you will be reintegrated into the ‘real world’ as you adapt to your ‘new normal’. 

          Overcoming addiction can be an incredibly challenging phase, particularly for individuals who have recently been released from treatment. These individuals may encounter various stressors that pose obstacles to maintaining their sobriety. However, a PTSD FL facility is dedicated to offering continuous therapy during this tough period, ensuring that patients receive the essential support they require. 

          Individuals grappling with PTSD but without an addiction may find PTSD outpatient programs to be suitable. These programs provide personalized therapy that can be undertaken while they reside at home and carry on with their everyday activities.

          Get Approved. Get Help.

          Individualized Care
          Family Programming
          Adventure-Based Therapies

          Most Private Health Insurance Will Help Pay for Treatment.

          Calusa Recovery does not accept Medicare or Medicaid as payment for substance abuse treatment.

          Let us handle the details so you can focus on the help you need.

          Our PTSD Outpatient Treatment Program is Here to Help

          At Calusa Recovery, we take a distinct approach to PTSD treatment in FL. Our holistic and multidisciplinary drug rehab program aims to assist patients in overcoming addiction and its underlying challenges. We prioritize providing affordable, long-term care to ensure the well-being of our clients.

          We understand the uniqueness of every patient. Our team is dedicated to crafting personalized plans that cater to their specific needs and individualities.

          Our approach incorporates evidence-based alternative therapies that have been scientifically proven to be effective. In addition to traditional strategies, we offer biofeedback, meditation, yoga, and music therapy to provide a comprehensive treatment plan. We also emphasize the importance of maintaining a healthy exercise and diet routine, which plays a crucial role in overcoming addiction and mental conditions.

          Upon completing their treatment, patients grappling with addiction are moved to a sober living residence. In this environment, they have access to CFC, a relapse prevention program facilitated by a nonprofit organization based in Florida. This program equips them with the essential support and resources required to transition into a sober way of life. 

          Regain your ability to find joy in the things you love by seeking help when traumatic events occur. Don’t allow PTSD to control your life. 

          Contact Calusa Recovery today for effective PTSD treatment in Florida. We are here to equip you with the necessary tools to overcome traumatic events and embrace a happier and healthier life.

          Our Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Center Is Here For You

          At Calusa Recovery, we stand out among the numerous mental health facilities in FL. Our approach is distinct as we go beyond conventional therapy methods. We provide a holistic, multidisciplinary, and integrative drug rehab program that aims to achieve the ideal balance between mind and body.

          Our approach starts with a thorough evaluation of each patient’s individual circumstances in order to develop a personalized treatment plan that suits their needs. This may involve traditional methods such as psychotherapy, as well as unconventional techniques like massage, biofeedback, yoga, and more. Additionally, we advocate for a balanced exercise routine and nutritious diet to aid in the achievement of rehabilitation objectives.

          After successfully completing our outpatient mental health treatment program, individuals struggling with addiction transition to a sober living facility. In this supportive environment, they receive comprehensive training to acquire the necessary skills for a successful transition. Additionally, they actively engage in therapy through CFC, a nonprofit substance abuse prevention program, ensuring continued support and guidance.

          Mental illness and addiction pose significant challenges that can be incredibly tough to tackle. You don’t have to face them alone. Calusa Recovery offers outpatient mental health services designed to assist you in overcoming these obstacles. Take the first step towards your journey to well-being by reaching out to us.

          Take the first step towards mental well-being – complete the ptsd quiz and embark on a journey to understanding and support.