Calusa Recovery

Group Therapy

Group Therapy

On the path to addressing substance abuse and mental health challenges, people frequently discover comfort and resilience through the creation of a supportive community. Group therapy plays a vital role in this process.

Group therapy creates a secure and inclusive environment where patients can interact with others facing similar experiences and difficulties. It provides a distinctive chance for individuals to acquire insights, receive support, and find encouragement from their peers.

Furthermore, group therapy offers a forum for individuals to gain insights from the experiences of their peers. By engaging in sharing, active listening, and mutual support, group therapy fosters an environment conducive to personal development and the acquisition of skills essential for sustained recovery.

Calusa Recovery Programs


One of the first steps when seeking treatment for substance abuse is the detoxification process. Here you are medically supervised and managed through withdrawal process to rid the body of drugs & alcohol.

Residential inpatient treatment is when a client lives on-site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while receiving intensive inpatient treatment. Learn more about inpatient treatment and how it can help you on your journey.

The partial day program at Calusa Recovery combines the best of aspects inpatient and outpatient treatment to form a hybrid program that allows you to experience inpatient therapies on an outpatient basis.

Find out why the innovative intensive outpatient program at Calusa Recovery is your best choice when seeking an outpatient addiction treatment program in Ft. Myers, Florida. 

Our outpatient program will enable your professional life to become limitless. We offer the tools for you to become the best you can be while being sober! If you’re in Lee County, don’t wait another day to start your recovery.

The family program at Calusa Recovery is an integral part of our programming. Family therapy is an essential part of the recovery process because it allows members of the entire family system to learn how to recover as a unit while supporting their loved-one in recovery.

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What Is Group Therapy?

Group therapy is a type of psychotherapy that involves a small group of people, usually led by one or several experienced therapists, coming together to talk about common problems and fears.

Group therapy differs from individual therapy in that it focuses on the interactions and dynamics within the group, giving participants the opportunity to confront and resolve their issues in a collaborative and encouraging setting.

Get Approved. Get Help.

Individualized Care
Family Programming
Adventure-Based Therapies

Most Private Health Insurance Will Help Pay for Treatment.

Calusa Recovery does not accept Medicare or Medicaid as payment for substance abuse treatment.

Let us handle the details so you can focus on the help you need.

Benefits Of Group Therapy

Group therapy is one of the most effective treatments for substance abuse. The following are some of the main advantages of group therapy for those suffering from substance abuse:
  1. Shared experiences and validation: One of the best things about group therapy is that it allows you to connect with other people who are going through the same thing as you. When you share your experiences with others, you can feel validated and know that you are not alone.
  2. Learning from others : Group therapy allows people to listen to each other’s stories and learn new things. The group’s wisdom can be a great asset to your healing journey.
  3. Accountability and support:  One of the most common consequences of substance abuse is social isolation and relationship breakdown. Group therapy provides a safe space for people to work on their social skills.
  4. Building social skills: In a group setting, people can talk about their experiences openly and without fear of judgement, and as a result, they learn to embrace themselves and others with understanding.
  5. Reduced stigma and shame:   In a group setting, people can talk about their experiences openly and without fear of judgement, and as a result, they learn to embrace themselves and others with understanding.
It provides a one-of-a-kind and priceless support system that goes hand-in-hand with individualized therapy and other forms of treatment.

How Group Therapy Can Help Build A Supportive Community

Group therapy is an important part of the community-building process for people with substance use disorders and mental health conditions. Here are a few ways group therapy can help build a healthy and supportive community:
  1. Shared experiences and empath
  2. Support and encouragement
  3. Collaborative problem-solving
  4. Providing hope and inspiration
  5. Reducing stigma through education
This community then acts as a beacon of positivity, strength, and inspiration for people on their path to healing and recovery.

The Role Of The Therapist In Group Therapy

The therapist’s role in group therapy is essential. Here are some of the key roles of the therapist in group therapy:

  1. Creating a safe and supportive environment: The therapist’s job is to create an environment where people feel comfortable talking about their experiences and feelings.
  2. Facilitating discussions and interactions: The therapist facilitates communication between members of the group, promoting active listening, compassion, and constructive criticism.
  3. Providing psychoeducation: The therapist provides psychoeducation on topics that are important to you, so you know exactly what you need to know about substance use, mental health and recovery.
  4. Modeling healthy communication and behavior:  The therapist provides psychoeducation on topics that are important to you, so you know exactly what you need to know about substance use, mental health and recovery.
  5. Addressing conflicts and challenges: The therapist helps resolve conflicts in a constructive and constructive way, creating a sense of harmony and harmony in the group.

The therapist’s knowledge, skills, and guidance are essential for creating an environment where people can flourish and develop.

How To Find A Group Therapy Program

Selecting a group therapy program is one of the most important steps in getting the most out of group therapy. Below are some tips to help you find the right group therapy program for you:
  1. Consult with a mental health professional
  2. Research local mental health organizations
  3. Ask for referrals
  4. Check online directories
  5. Contact local mental health clinics and hospitals
  6. Consider online group therapy
When you’re looking for a group therapy program, it’s crucial to think about aspects like what the program emphasizes, the therapists’ qualifications, the group’s size and makeup, how often sessions occur, and any associated expenses.

Tips for getting the most out of group therapy

Group therapy can have a huge impact on your life. Here are a few things to keep in mind when going through group therapy:
  1. Be open and honest: Openly share your experiences, ideas, and feelings with the group.
  2. Listen actively: Not only does it benefit the speaker, but it also gives you information and insights that may be pertinent to your own experiences.
  3. Set goals: In group therapy, it’s important to set goals for yourself. Think about what you want to accomplish and share those goals with your group.
  4. Participate consistently: The key to trust, connection, and success is consistency. Commit to showing up on time and being part of the process for yourself and your group.
  5. Respect boundaries: Don’t share personal information outside of the group and don’t discuss other people’s stories without their permission.
  6. Practice self-care: Taking care of your body, mind, and spirit will improve your performance in group therapy.

Way To Calusa

As the science of mental health advances, so too does the science of therapy. In recent years, group therapy has become increasingly popular as a treatment for a variety of mental health conditions.

The role of group therapy in the treatment of substance use disorders and mental health issues is expected to increase in the near future.