Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Treatment for Men and Women
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Interested in entering our addiction & mental health treatment center in Florida? Your health insurance plan may cover all, or at least some, of your substance abuse treatment at our facility!
To save time on your initial phone call with one of our admissions counselors, you’re invited to verify your insurance online. All you have to do is fill out the secure form and we’ll get a notification and then respond to you within a few hours regarding your insurance coverage. (Please allow more time if you submit this form on the weekend or a holiday.)
Thank you for your interest in our counseling center in Freehold, FL.
At this time, we do not accept Medicaid or Medicare.
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Interested in entering our addiction & mental health treatment center in Florida? Your health insurance plan may cover all, or at least some, of your substance abuse treatment at our facility!
To save time on your initial phone call with one of our admissions counselors, you’re invited to verify your insurance online. All you have to do is fill out the secure form and we’ll get a notification and then respond to you within a few hours regarding your insurance coverage. (Please allow more time if you submit this form on the weekend or a holiday.)
"*" indicates required fields