Calusa Recovery

5 Most Common Signs Of Depression In Women

signs of depression in women

Depression is not only the experience of feeling sad, but it can be a common experience in the course of a woman’s life. But how does one know when it is not just a low phase, a couple of bad days, or a string of bad weeks? The indicators of depression in women are hard to distinguish sometimes as these indicators are not quite evident. It may seem like things are beginning to go wrong without you realizing why it is so. It’s always important to know what to look for when it’s happening to you or someone you love so you can get the appropriate assistance. It is essential to dissect some of these significant signs and try to understand what they symbolize. Let’s break down some of the key signs and see what they mean.

What is Depression in Women?

Depression is a clinical disease that refers to an individual’s feelings, thoughts, and behavior patterns. In women, it can be attributed to hormonal changes, social pressure, or some traumatic experience. In fact, studies show that women are twice as likely to experience depression than men. It is also important to note early signs because these could also be emotional changes, physical changes, and any changes at all.

Persistent Sadness or Anxiety

Depression in women is characterized by persistent sadness or anxiety that lasts for weeks or even months. Well, whereas everyone is bound to be sad at one point in their lives or another, Depression is different. It is a significant problem for women that they can experience very high levels of hopelessness despite the favorable exterior.

  • Being sad and anxious always or most of the time
  • Cognitive or anxious rumination
  • Being hopeless and thinking that things will never get any better

Some women may not even know they are struggling with depression because they think this is how life is and they should just accept it. However, having such a psychological burden may lead to the inability to perform normal activities.

Loss of Interest in Daily Activities

Another clear signs of depression in women is when they develop no interest in their previous hobbies or pastimes. This means that be it chores, pets, family members or friends, or other activities such as work or school, depression robs a person of it.

  • Not getting pleasure from previously enjoyed activities
  • Staying away from social functions or events
  • Inability to adhere to daily schedules in the workplace or family

This loss of interest results in withdrawal from friends and family; hence, such women may feel lonely or abandoned even when they are not alone.

Changes in Sleep Patterns

Depression is known to impact sleep severely. It was also observed that due to hormonal changes, women may either have too much sleep or no sleep at all. This is one of the symptoms that are frequently neglected partly because they may be considered as the result of a change in behavior. However, it is a definite pointer to the existence of some problems.

  • Insomnia: Having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Hypersomnia: Losing a lot of sleep but still waking up exhausted
  • Interrupted sleep or waking up often during the night

Women who experience this may also have daytime drowsiness, which can hinder the accomplishment of the day’s activities and concentration. Fatigue is one of the somatic signs of depression in women; its elimination has a positive impact on general well-being.

Changes in Appetite or Weight

Modification in appetite is another important source of realizing the signs of depression in women because the changes can be very conspicuous. This is because some women may reduce their intake of food and, therefore, lose some weight, while others may be comfortable eating and thereby gain weight.  

 A 2021 survey reported that over 60% of women with depression experience significant changes in their eating habits.

  • Loss of appetite: Starvation or displaying the attitude of carelessness toward food
  • Overeating: Consuming food to cope or seek solace from a stressful situation, particularly foods like junk or sweets
  • The loss or gain of significant weight in a short period.

Cyclic fluctuations in appetite and weight cause disturbances in self-images, which in turn aggravate depressive manifestations.

Difficulty Concentrating or Making Decisions

Another subtle but significant one among the major signs of depression in women is the inability to concentrate or make decisions. Depression hinders concentration due to the cloudy state of mind that one experiences.

  • Experiencing issues with memory, concentration, and comprehension.
  • Deciding more slowly than usual
  • Losing small things or missing things that were supposed to be done

This can be very infuriating for ladies since it impacts their working productivity or family chores, intensifying the experience of inefficiency.

According to the Mayo Clinic, people with depression may find it hard to think clearly or concentrate, which impacts not just their work but their overall quality of life.

Additional Symptoms

Besides these five common signs of depression in women, there are other symptoms that may also be present:

Why Recognizing These Signs Matters

Women should pay special attention to these symptoms of depression because when the illness is left untreated, it tends to become worse. These symptoms affect women, and without proper treatment, depression can deteriorate a woman’s health both physically and mentally. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), approximately 10% of women will experience depression during their lifetime.

How Professional Help Can Make a Difference

When one observes these symptoms of depression in women, the next thing is to consult a health professional. Counseling, drugs, and a host of other treatments available can assist women to take charge of their lives and start healing.

At Calusa Recovery, our focus is on empathy and directly proven treatment methods that will give the help and assistance needed. Whether you have tried Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), an individual counselor of your choice, or pharmacotherapy, choosing the kind of treatment counts.


Q: What is linked to depression in females?
A: Depression in females is caused by hormonal fluctuations life stressors, which include work or relationships, genetics, and societal pressure. It is also noteworthy that the onset of depressive symptoms might be associated with certain biological milestones such as pregnancy, postpartum, or menopausal periods.

Q: What age does depression usually start?
A: Depression is never confined to any age bracket but is mostly likely to be noticed in people in their late teens to early adulthood. Researchers have established that women are more vulnerable to depression in their reproductive age.

Q: What are the four major causes of depression?
A: The four leading causes of depression are heredity, serious life stressors (such as trauma or loss), chemical imbalances, and prolonged stress or medical conditions. There are also other factors, including environmental factors such as relationship issues.

Q: What are the red flags of depression?
A: Signs of depression include low mood, lack of enthusiasm for activities, alterations in sleeping and eating patterns, tiredness, and ideas about dying or being worthless. In case these symptoms persist for weeks, one should consider seeking assistance.

Q: What are the ten warning signs of depression?
A: Ten warning signs include Low mood, tiredness, poor sleep quality, reduced eating or increased eating, agitation, difficulty in focus, self-blame, bodily pain, social avoidance, and suicidal ideation.

Q: How do you pull yourself out of depression?
A: To recover from depression, people can find it necessary to look for a doctor’s help, take care of themselves, develop friendships and meaningful relationships, set simple tasks for the day, and use any therapy or medications that can help.


Depression is a complex mental health disorder, and recognizing the signs of depression in women is important for getting the right help. By understanding symptoms like persistent sadness, changes in sleep, or loss of interest in daily activities, you can support loved ones who may be struggling.

Calusa Recovery offers compassionate, evidence-based treatment designed to address the unique needs of women dealing with depression. Don’t wait to seek help; taking that step can make all the difference in getting your life back on track.

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